Tuesday, July 24, 2012

99 cent flowers

Currently I am managing 2 blogs...one for my weight loss journey and one for our adoption journey.  I figure it's tim to do a mommy one.  Our lives are so busy these days and my days consist of stay at home mommy duties and babysitter-teacher activites...so why not blog about them! 
Tonight we had an interview for our adoption grants and we drop[ed the girls off at their Mimi's house for a bit.  After we left I had to stop at the store real quick...as I was checking out there were some beautiful flowers marked down to $0.99.  Not sure why they were marked down so cheap, but this was my opportunity.  I never spend money on flowers...but for $0.99 how could I not?  The girls stayed in the car with Nicholas (their dad and my amazing hubby!) so as soon as I got out there I opened the back van door and handed one bunch to Ashalyn (3 years) and one bunch to Kynzie (15 months).  The smiles on their face said it all and made the "wasted $$" so so worth it.  1.5 miles til home and I heard thank you 4 times.  We are a very budgeted family but sometimes going out of your budget means is SOOO worth it, especially when they are 99 cent flowers that are still full of life and beautiful!!  I love that our girls are so good with not all the extra things...then when they do get something they are so much more grateful for it!   Our girls are such blessings to us and remind us daily of some very important values in life!